Oatmeal, 1 box with 6 bags
Oatmeal was previously called Äppelgröt. You can eat slim lactose-free oatmeal as a shake or porridge.
Oatmeal / Apple porridge warms and satisfies the stomach both for breakfast, lunch and as an evening meal. Contains gluten-free oatmeal and small chew-friendly apple pieces and has a nice taste of cinnamon.
Full dietary supplement VLCD (Very Low Calorie Diet), only 170 kcal / portion that provides 1/3 of today’s total nutritional needs. If you want fast weight loss, choose Slanka Maxi. Slim VLCD is a good option for losing weight and keeping the weight off. Without aspartame, gluten and soy flour. First-class and natural ingredients.
Seasonal product on a temporary visit!
Our lactose-free oat meal is a good and useful start to the day. Contains gluten-free oatmeal and small chew-friendly apple pieces and has a nice taste of cinnamon.
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